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KrautNick Magazin - Daniel .B. Prothèse vs Edwin Vanvinckenroye – 99.9 – Alfa Matrix 2017

Bressanuttis Handschrift indes dringt überall durch. (...) Ist das Solo-Album „CHZwaar​+​zMe​+​aal“ noch typisch von Bressanuttis rhythmischer Eiseskälte geprägt, dringt aus „99.9“ die Wärme von Edwin Vanvinckenroyes Geige. Das ist damit auch das spannendere der beiden neuen Prothese-Werke. (...)

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press ::: GreenManReview

"Troissoeur" has found a more radical answer: they sing mainly in a language that nobody understands. (I should add that I am conceitedly assuming that these languages are invented because they mean nothing to me. If they are in fact extremely obscure but real languages, I apologize. In either case, the singers are to be congratulated on their astonishing memories). …if any readers are feeling adventurous I recommend this curious recording to them.

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press ::: De Morgen

Muziek die het avontuur niet schuwt en paden betreedt die weliswaar duchtig over en weer zwenken en langs hoge bergen en diep dalen passeren, maar uiteindelijk zelfverzekerd haar bestemming bereikt.(...)Nog mooier wordt het als al die elementen tot een geheel leiden dat na een paar draaibeurten verrassend toegankelijk klinkt.

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press ::: Focus Knack

Door het toeren met DAAU en de ontmoetingen met producer Daniel B (Front 242) en Sandy Dillon transformeerde het avontuurlijke folkkwartet in een groep die houdt van een orgie van geluiden: het akoestische van viool, contrabas, mechanische grooves en poprockgitaren met daaronder, zoals bij Little Dole en Curoon, beklijvende melodieën.

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press ::: RVI

... From the start they had an unconventional approach to traditional songs and tunes and made them entirely their own. They didn't sing in Dutch or any other language but invented their own, thereby breaking all possible language barriers. They still play acoustic instruments but have added a good deal of electronics and their music is now totally their own. They play with total involvement and get in a kind of trance, something greatly appreciated by their audiences. Their newest cd is bound to be their most successful and should take them well beyond Belgium's borders.

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press ::: Premonition

… In fact, we've seldom been given the chance to penetrate such a gloomy world lighted with candles, where such a distressed chant resonates. Terror is touchable on this record where the loops and the sampler are laid in the background. Everything here makes that record the perfect environment for an imaginary apocalyptic world, from the fragility of higher motions and trays to the ritual chant of sano m'ame, in a language that's the reverse of ours.